
Thursday, June 24, 2021

why Mustelids are pest

Stoats are pests because they are small with sharp teeth and they steel egg's from nest's. They break birds's egg's with their teeth and they eat anything they find along the way like birds chicks eggs, weta and geckos. They can walk many kilometre's every night. Mustelids kill about twenty kiwi chicks every day - that is more than 7000 chicks a year. They climb trees and snatch small birds from nests. They're clever and fast, and very hard to catch.

We used PEEL to help us write our paragraph to explain why an animal is a pest.





Friday, June 18, 2021

Pohutukawa art

My class and me did some pohutukawa art because we are learning about the NZ native bush. It was a bit hard to dye all the white spaces we had a to mix the dye to make a light and dark colours. We had red blue and green colours and black and white crayons. We made a good copy and a bad copy the black keeped the colours in its space and the white 

We had to make the pohutukawa branch not to thick and and not thin. 
I found it a bit hard but I liked it.  When it was finished I was surprosed with how good it looked.


Wednesday, May 26, 2021

What Good are Wings without the courage to fly?

on Friday it was Anti bullying day my whole school was wearing pink. my class and me panted 4 feathers each. My teacher cart brown paper in a sharp of a wing and she stuck it on the window and wrote what good are wings without the courage to fly we all tuck a photo. 

All of NZ was wearing pink shirts on Friday to Stop bullying and stand up speak out.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

a letter to Mr Pent

Dear Mr Pent                                                                                                                            November 3

HI my name is Zariah and I have heard your story and is it true you hate balls?  but today I am here tell you why you need balls in the school. 1 you can exercise 2 you can play sports and the last thing how would you feel if you got locked in a couburd. 

yours faithfully

From Zariah

Thursday, September 10, 2020

persuasive writing

Dear Mum

I really want a dog.

I want a dog because it can protect me.

I want a dog because I am lonely.

If I had a dog I would take it on a walk every day.

If I had a dog I would let it sleep in my bed.

If it was hungry I would take my pocket money and walk down the road.

I hope you understand.

From Zariah.

Friday, August 7, 2020

What I have been learning at

At school in literacy I have been learning to skip counting and learning the crocodile mouth the greater than looks like this > and the crocodile mouth is called less that looks like this <. in writing I have been learning to writ on chrome book

I have been learning to read a higher book.

In science we where learning the different materials and we did wool fabric and wood and metal and plastic. we have been learning the properties.

In RE I have been learning about god.

Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

All About Me

Hi my name is Zariah I  am 7 years old and my favorite frout is whetermail and strawberrys.I go to pompallier catholic school .My favorite color is purple and blue.I have 3 borther and 1 sister. My eyes are brown.